Not sure why we put so much emphasis on finishing projects.

Start as many as you like, see which ones go somewhere. The best ones will take off either because you find the most joy in them or they click in some way or another due to external factors.

Focus on starting, keep going if it takes you.

That’s my thinking.

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You know I love this line of thinking! ... I find myself always circling back to the same few projects, thanks for sharing.

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Wonderful way to see this! Thanks for this, Bam. It will alleviate a bunch of negative self talk going on in the back of my mind. Personally, I also have to limit the number of projects I choose to work on at any given time so each gets a fair shot at being around long enough to grow sustainably or I learn it's better tossed or shelved for some other time in my life. With your words, I will be able to let go of some things without seeing the time spent as a failure.

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Let them go and some will find their way back to you some day

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And for some unfinished projects, I might need extra hours in a day to finish 🤷‍♀️

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My whole home is my unfinished home from windows to floors and all outdoors. Makes me want to 💤

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