Morning pages have been in and out of my projects and practices for years. About 10 days ago, I started morning pages again. It is a practice that rises again when I’m in-between, impatient, or feel uncertain. One thing that helps me get into the flow is to write the first page or so with my non-dominant hand. This requires me to slow down more than I want to! It does seem to help open ideas.

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Thank you for reminding me about morning pages to get unstuck! Going to work through it a bit in my pages and maybe I'll have more luck tomorrow! 😄

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Love this Adam! I have TOO many projects! What is the medicine for that?!!

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'Always have a project' - that's gold dust. Something to direct your creative energies towards, essential...

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Adam Ming

One of my current projects is to write a haiku every day in September. I've missed some days, but I have 13 new haiku so far to show for it! Of to write today's right now.

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This is great advise Adam! I've been doing the morning pages for years now. Since starting therapy, they became less regular but instead got a projects notebook and started writing down ideas of things that I want to photograph. After reading this, I feel like getting a notebook for each project and turn up depending on what I want to work on or how I feel.

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i also suffer from ‘too many projects’ syndrome! I do appreciate the ‘just show up’ every day point. Oh, and good lighting!

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Morning pages are such a great way to get the day started & adding some doodles and a little bit of “whatever” just makes the pages that much more interesting! I heard at one point if you have nothing to write, to choose a word that brings you joy and just keep writing it until you have something to say. Luckily, i have never been short of words…tee hee! So happy that i have found your substack!

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