Wow this is quite the journey!! What really strikes me is the intensity of your commitment, the sheer graft of it all, and also the listening to feedback and adjusting as you go. Seems like you had real focus to succeed, and you got the book deals! So great to read Adam. AND a newborn through it all, which is no small thing! (Although a new born is small... you know what I mean!) Well done for all you have created, including your family!

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This is so brilliant to read Adam, thanks for sharing! It’s a long process of evolution. I’m saving up to do the MATS course, sounds like you got a lot out of it. In the meantime working on my portfolio and then it’s feedback time 👍🏻

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Hi Adam, so you’re basically saying your path was perfectly linear? Just kidding! Thanks for sharing. If I look at my journey, I’m basically at step 25; however, I think I really need to take the class you’re referring to. By the way, loved your interview with Mark Hoffman on Gab n Doodle!

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> The offer is withdrawn because I’m ‘too ambitious’.

I'm sorry, what??

This is such a relatable list, Adam. But I think you are a more diligent student than I am. 🙌

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Congratulations would not be the right word, but, congratulations anyway! Very happy for your progress, Ming. And the thing about the 35 steps are, the steps vary for different people. What's constant: hard work, discipline, discernment, wisdom. Also, as you've demonstrated, don't be afraid to ditch a strategy that didn't work.

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love this very realistic step-by-step guide! I have to ask: what made you take that course again? Doing a course for a second time wouldn't be something that would even cross my mind!

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I think it’s perfect you’re offering 1-to-1 sessions, especially since they’ve helped you so much! It’s such an important investment for anyone who wants to take their work to publishers. I know you’re going to help so many people (myself included because you know I’m signing up at some point. Maybe to remind you to water Roger!)

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Such a fun and informative list! Thanks!!

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Wowza - you are quite the inspiration! I love your substack. Thanks for sharing so generously.

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I self-published a couple of children's picture books to Amazon this year, in Kindle, Paperback and Audiobook formats. It's the start of a series about a young girl Ella and her dog Izzy. https://open.substack.com/pub/booksbyajcameron/p/the-adventures-of-izzy-and-ella

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