As a dancer/dance teacher turned artist I know what you mean!!! Getting the drawing surface high enough and tilted so you don’t have to lean over is important. (I finally got a tilting lap desk since I use the iPad procreate lying on my bed.)

Also stretch the other way! Arch back over a chair, off a bed (careful!) or do a bridge if you can. Circle your shoulders and arms.

But perhaps the best is the«constructive rest». Lie on your back, shoulder blades flat on the ground, legs propped up so your lower back doesn’t arch, (knees bent, feet flat on the floor) … then relax … breathe into the floor. Work up to 15 minutes. Try 5 minutes to start. When you get up, be sure to roll to your side and use your arms to sit up. Your muscles may take a bit to readjust. Good luck!

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Talara, I just did a constructive rest on your recommendation and feel so great, especially after doing a bunch of stretching targeting the area. Thank you for sharing!

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Thank YOU for all your writing and drawing!

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I know this sounds weird, but I had a bad back a few years back. The doctor told me to eat pineapple, it is (according to this doctor) the most inflammatory food you can eat. I have eaten a pineapple a week since then, never had back pain again 🤷‍♀️Go figure. Feel better soon Adam, your newsletter is fantastic and has helped me greatly. Thank you for doing it.

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Sounds possible! I’m gonna try…

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Thanks everyone, I learned so much from you and research while in bed! Right now I’m going to take some steps to improve my desk situation:)

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I'm sorry you're in pain, Adam. I have felt my best when I was taking a once a week one hour stretch & strength class over Zoom that was led by an instructor. They stopped their Zoom classes once they could open their in-person gym again, but I think just scheduling the time in to do both stretching and strengthening would be helpful. It's one of those things that is easy to take for granted when you're feeling ok, but I do remember that I did feel a lot better when I was doing it regularly. I'll make a point to put it back in my calendar. One other thing I do is make sure I'm not sitting in the same position for too long. I vary my working time blocks and spread out supplies so I have to get up to get the supply for the next step or so I have to go for a walk between tasks or I have to get up to go get a drink, etc. I hope you find some things that work for you!

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So sorry to hear you’re in pain, it happens to me often - stretching helps but also massage with arnica oil (if you can get someone to massage your back 😊) and applying warmth (I use those M3 gel packs you can either use cold or warm)

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