I went through a similar process on Monday. I found a bunch of little sketches I'd made just doodling, some pastels I forgot I had, and some references I also forgot I had.

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I just simply hate cleaning and with 2 kids it's a massive chore, especially when they were very tiny.. so everytime I cleaned up to make it tolerable I always drew before and after.. the reward let me get through the cleaning

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“A search for creative treasures” … this speaks to me! I believe that all of the art supplies that we acquire & hold dear to our hearts have meaning and purpose, but the challenge is the “when!” It’s similar to people…it’s all about who and when your paths cross. Your words made me smile b/c I love me a positive slant! Have a great weekend & thank you for the kick in the pants to clear a shelf!

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So great! The clutter can be rich and the process itself is gratifying...as long as it is 10 minutes and not all morning.

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I love this idea!! Clutter is always an inhibitor of “starting” For me. I love how you combined these two goals. Clean/create!! 👏👏👏

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This is SO GOOD! Thank you!

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