
Welcome Mark! I think a gradual start to the day sound like such a wise choice!

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My morning start is pretty basic:

1.) Make bed

2.) Shower

3.) Brush teeth

4.) Make first cup of tea (strong Yorkshire tea, grey Oatly). I tidy up random things in the kitchen while the kettle boils and the tea is steeping.

5.) Take tea to office, and spend 20 minutes reading newsletters or scrolling through LinkedIn/Instagram. I get a lot of inspiration for blog topics, posts etc. this way. I make notes in my PKM as I go.

6.) 20-30 minutes on emails. I then don't look at them again until after lunch.

7.) I do whatever my calendar tells me I should be doing, unless I really don't want to in which case I spend a few minutes re-organising my calendar.

For some time, I was quite diligent with my morning pages. I would do those before my shower. But the habit hasn't stuck - yet.

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The more basic the better! I think item 7 is brilliant!

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Hi Adam, I think this is my first time here!

On a workday I always shower, etc. before I do anything else. Unload dishwasher (most days...), breakfast while catching up with social media for my newsletter, etc. Do a combination of thinking about what's ahead for day job, creative work and "real life". Start my daily journal entry with 2 - 3 grounding items which I will add to as the day continues. I try to have a gradual start up to my day instead of being dropped directly into a raging torrent of activity!

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Get girl off to school, breakfast, short work out, dog walk, hot chocolate, chat with ma pal, and then work. Without the exercise, food and chat, work would be a disaster!

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That sounds brilliant! You sure have it sorted when it comes to having a routine! :)

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Hot chocolate in the morning! That would send me right back to sleep...

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I take it very strong and very bitter, just cacao and milk, plenty of caffeine in the chocolate, delicious!

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I am going to have to try that!

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I like this question :) and seeing everyone’s flow. Mine seems to change with the seasons but now I want a slow start to the morning sooooo I have to wake up early :)

1 get self ready for the day

2 tidy up a bit

3 coffee/warm water while reading this newsletter and maybe others, and doing a morning sketch

4 depending on the day I might have to go to a morning job or teach art a few afternoons a week

With having a few guaranteed money obligations I want/need to set time for online art classes I like to take, personal art projects, and getting stuff out there :)

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I have an acronym, for my startup routine, it's JETS

J: Journal

E: Eat

T: Train

S: Sketch

It's easy to remember, especially if I don't know where to start, I start there, I have easy and epic versions of each activity, most day's I do the easy.

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