
Today, Zelda joined me in the studio for the first time.

What’s this? She asked of everything…

I gave her some paper and index cards to draw on.

She drew a half circle on one card and called it a watermelon.

On another she drew an elaborate scribble, and presented it with two hands… “for you daddy”

Then I thought her how to pick colours in procreate!

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Happy Father’s day! my son has just turned two, and bedtimes are still a little too fluid (and late!) but my husband and i take turns to do the bedtime routine. On his evenings, i take the dog for a quick walk, rush through tidy up and set up my sketchbook desk with all my analogue materials and get down to filling some pages. it can only ever happen in the evenings! After a long day working as a designer, staring at a screen, I can’t manage any more screen time so all my illustrations and sketch work happens on paper at night. Nap time on the weekends sometimes allows for daylight working! it is quite the juggle!

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Happy Father’s Day!!

I’m a stay at home mum with two kiddos. My illustration and writing time happens on the iPad once they’ve gone to sleep. Usually while I sit in the dark bedroom with them 😅 Not optimal, but it has been a consistent way to get about 1.5hrs of work done every day. Sometimes it’s less, but I’m showing up every day and that consistency is paying off.

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