Thanks for sharing this, Adam. I'd like to understand more how do you work with an art mentor? Is it someone you know personally, and you guys decided to work together, or do you scour the internet to look for such a person? Thanks!

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I have had many mentors over the course of my careers, they always start out kind of organically. I think most ‘official’ mentor relationships are not as productive as emergent.

In this particular case, I took many skillshare classes from Tom Froese, and even reached out a few times for advise. That is enough for me to consider him a mentor, but recently Tom opened up 10 spots on his Patreon for monthly 1-1 chats about illustration, so I jumped at the opportunity.

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Superb! Thanks for sharing your experience and pov.

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I think you can do several styles very well. I loved your black and white comic style - especially when you hand draw the type. It seems unfair to not be able to have several, like an author may have pen names.

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The way I’m thinking about it is I could have multiple styles, but the potential of each will be limited compared if I picked one and went with it, just because life is limited.

How I’m thinking about it is as follows: I have a book which will allow me to express my black and white style.

If that gets me more similar work great, but I don’t need to develop and additional work around that. Instead I’ll focus my energy and time on developing my picturebook style.

As I’ve said before, style is a commitment :)

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