This is a page in a sketchbook where I’m working out how to draw a troll in a bathtub. The final drawing is a composite of various parts of the sketchbook page.
I love working by iterating and then combining.
This is a crop from the roughs of a book I’m working on. The roughs have been delivered and I’ve switched gears to working on something else while waiting for feedback on this, and from the Bologna book fair.
The transition to being a night owl has been a learning experience, and I'm happy to report that overall, it's going quite well. While the first few days were a bit challenging, I've been able to adapt with awareness and intentionality. I now find myself with less tension and congestion in my schedule, which has made me feel lighter overall.
One of the most significant benefits of this new routine is the improved work-life balance I've achieved. I can now devote a third of my daytime hours to spending quality time with family, which has been a rich source of joy and meaning for me. I'm also able to find time for more of the things that are important to me, and my work effectiveness has increased. And I’m having more ideas.
I’m still trying to find the right Nighttime beverage though.
Something salty, like a cup of miso soup? Or an Oxo cube (or a spoonful of Marmite or Vegemite) dissolved in a mug of boiling water?
Houjicha maybe ? Milk and ice