Hey, everyone, I thought I’d do something a little different today, I’d like to invite you to connect, and I have a couple of ideas on how you could do that.
The super low stakes one, is by taking the poll below, it’s just a question that I would like to get your take on.
The second is if you would leave a one-word comment to describe how your year is going. Just one word, like “Happy”, “Rushed”, “Confusing”, or anything.
The third is for you to write a reply, especially if you’ve read more than a few of this, tell me about your journey, or ask questions. And maybe say one thing you like about the newsletter, and what you wish was better.
And if you’re hardcore, go ahead and do all three!
The Poll
News is such a loaded word, and I think newsletter doesn’t really capture what we do here does it. So I have a question..
Of all the ‘newsletters’ I subscribe to yours is the most thoughtful and thought provoking. You aren’t just sharing how you work but taking a step back to show how you arrived at the decision to work that way. Keep doing what you are doing! It works really well
I really enjoy and look forward to your daily thoughts. It’s one way I organize my day. Particularly because it gets me moving on a creative path. I enjoy looking at your workspace, hearing about your creative flow, and learning about how you approach your work and creative quandaries. Thanks for the work you do to share your journey. I appreciate it.