Ooooo I love looking at people's work areas... I'm super nosey! Maybe we should post all of ours too?!

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Yea please! There is a thread in the chat if you have the app

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ooooo ok ill check that now!

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'Zone of focus' - goodness me, how do I not have this in my life?! Thank you SO MUCH for this tip, Adam!

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I almost forgot about kidlitartpostcard! Thanks a million for the reminder, Adam! 🦁✨

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really enjoyed reading about your desk, I always wonder whether anyone would be interested to hear that kind of thing from me!

And thanks for the kidlitart advice, I've seen your DTIYS and really keen to create one for myself. Got some commissions on the go at the moment plus an almost full time day job, so it will come in its time. The commissions are legacy business illustration work, which is great for earning a bit extra, but not what I want to do moving forward. I'm slowly building my children's illustration portfolio so very interested in the kitlitart when I can focus on it properly.

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