Love these strategies. This is a little different, but one thing I've been wondering about is the concept of mastery itself. I've vacillated between having a goal of becoming a master and a goal of remaining the learner. I love that the master gives me an intense focus and vision. And I love that the learner keeps me open and engaged and present-moment minded. I've wondered if I let go of the idea of master and focus on always being the learner, would mastery be a natural result? Anyway, now I'm just rambling, but I'm curious about your thoughts on the tension between these two concepts :)

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In Robert Greene’s book, he outlines the process of apprenticeship to mastery. The apprentice eventually overtakes the Master. It’s about learning fully from those who have gone before us. Cue Elton John singing the circle of life.

I approach it in the context of masters and apprentices. I learn from those 10,15 and 50 years ahead of me with the aim of taking their place, not tomorrow, but in due course.

At the same time, I’d love to always be able to say, “what do I know”.

I think both ideas can co-exist

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Ooh, I'll read it for sure! Love this -- I agree that both can co-exist. Thanks for the response!!

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There is an abridged version, which I’m reading now having read the original years ago…

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Oh good -- abridged will be helpful haha

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Nice succinct read!

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