You’ve made your weekly plan, so that you can deal with your multi-day objectives.
You’ve scheduled your deep work. Two hours of uninturrupted time to work on your thing. You take a minute to begin, it’s your ritual, a big sip of hot beverage, 3 deep slow breathes, and you’re doing it. You’re in the zone, doing deep work.
Then it happens. Whatever it is. An emergency maybe, or just a temptation, an excuse to get away from yor work. You are no longer in the zone.
What do you do?
You engage with the conflict. “What makes most sense right now?”. Do I pivot to a new task? Do I let myself be distracted? or do I pull myself back. You make your decision.
And sooner or later, you come back to your work. You begin again. Deep breaths, hot beverage. Go!