The habit of delivering food on a plate.
“What’s a deck?”, many of you asked after yesterday’s newsletter.
When I said deck in yesterday’s note, I was referring to a slide deck. A PDF containing a few pages. This could be created with Google slides, Adobe Indesign, and even the latest version of Procreate.
At minimum it would consist of a cover page, at least one content page, and a boilerplate.
A boiler plate is a list of useful information such as, your email, website, socials, etc.
It could also include supplementary information such as sketches and notes.
The purpose of the whole thing is to create a context for the person reviewing the work. “It’s the plate the chef puts the food on”- Tom Froese.
It becomes the main reference point for communicating about the work.
Not all clients prefer work delivered this way, but for most, it’s a nice surprise. But while a deck has value to the client, it’s function is to serve the illustrator.
Let’s talk about this more in the comments:) If you are someone who reviews work, what do you think about receiving work as a deck? And if you deliver work, do you use a deck?
Side B
After 3 days without coffee. I went back to the habit. I made a strong cup in the evening.
This gave me a strong headache and pretty much unable to work for the rest of the following day. So I took the day off.