This is a distillation of today’s Morning Pages . If I didn’t write the morning pages these would be the thoughts that distract me during the day. I also collect these thoughts as atomic notes. I’m sending emails (newsletters) out less often. But I still need to write everyday. I’ll call these un-emailed writing, blogpost.
How many projects can you work on in a month? Then how much can you work on each in a day? How do you manage your projects?
Organise activities into projects.
Manage projects.
Your Content is your resume.
The documentation of your projects is your resume.
Social media are platforms to distribute that resume.
Tailor the distribution for the platform.
Be clear about the subjects, the projects of your content.
Your process might be structured and designed.
Your process might be intuitive.
You need both.
Structure and design create speed and consistency.
Intuition could lead to creative breakthroughs.
Use the speed to buy time for the breakthroughs.
Prioritise speed and consistency.
Allow for breakthroughs.
Develop a process for documentation.
You know the work ahead of you, plan check points to document process.
Record the process.
Add context to the recording so future you or your audience can make sense of what you’re doing.
Focus on the ‘Big YOU’, the consumer. What is in it for the consumer of the content.
What is a project?
A bucket for energy
A collection of material
An investment
A career move
A practice
A hobby
A store of knowledge
An extension of yourself
A side gig or side hustle
An activity
A job
PS: Don’t start with a category, just create the bits, and let them emerge into categories if they must.
I really appreciate these reflections.