In the comments, complete this sentence:
A journal is a tool for _______________
For me the journal is primarily a tool for self reflection.
It’s easy to start a journal, especially at the start of a new month, or year or season. But most people tend to stop.
I think we stop because it gets hard, and we somehow didn’t expect that.
All the journals we’ve seen are immaculately designed and illustrated and smart.
I’m here to tell you that a journal is a mirror for life.
Sometimes that looks sparkling and perfect. More often isn’t rushed, scattered and incomplete. It’s a mirror. And invitation for you to take a look at yourself.
Maybe your hair is out of place, and you need a shave or there’s something stuck in your teeth.
Ask questions and answer them.
I go over my journal with a red pencil to circle and underline good bits.
I use it to course correct and figure out the right things to do.
A journal is work.
Keep working at it. Keep working on yourself, no one will do it for you.
Organise my feelings and ideas..!
Capturing my thoughts, writing things that I want to remember, or offloading onto a page so I’m not carrying angst round in my head. It’s something I do to help me answer a question I’m struggling with, understand something that I don’t yet understand or just expressing some of the randomness that pops into my head in the quiet moments when my brain is free and not full of all the life stuff that I need to deal with each day.