I’m sitting at a cafe,
writing this newsletter,
while baby sleeps,
while the wife shops for groceries.
How do you make dead time alive?
In video games, a common game mechanism is to collect ‘quests’ and fulfill them. You could run around slashing grass and goblins, or you can seek out quests.
Some quests help you progress your Main Story, other quest might serve to enrich or distract you.
I think a good way to use dead time is to have a list of quests ready. If you notice you’re currently in dead time look at the list, discard quests that might have become irrelevant, accept new quests, and find quest that you might be able to complete or move forward in a significant way and act on them.
Here are some starter quests.
Get a notebook, Digital counts.
Write a list of things you’re grateful for. That’s just for practice, and a small win.
Write a list of things you need or want to do but are not doing.
On a new page write a header that says “5-minute quests”
Collect the items on your list (no.3) that can be done in 5 minutes. (i.e write these under the header)
Can the remaining items be broken down into parts that can be done in 5 minutes? If yes break them down, and write them under the header.
What are some things you really enjoy that only take five minutes, write it down under the header.
There you now have some quests for the next time you have time to ressurect!
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ps: how many 5-minute quests can you come up with in 5 minutes?