We take in a lot of information. Often there is too much to process. If you’ve ever been at a convention or trade show you will notice after a couple of hours, most people will be walking by in a zombie-like stupor. Taking in a lot of information but absorbing almost nothing. It’s the same with us and our electronic scrolls, our emails (and newsletters) - Information washes over us like water.
But you are unique and will notice unique things, take some time to articulate what you notice. That’s the role of the artist. That is the creative act.
What have you noticed recently?
One tool to sift muddy waters of information is to ask this question. “What do I need right now?” Not all the things, but what is the one thing you need most. Articulating this moment-to-moment will give you clarity and melt away all distractions.
You can also ask, “What does this sentence need?”, “What does this picture need?”, “What does this relationship need?”, “What does this soup need?”.
What do you need right now?
Take care of yourself. If you ask the question and get no answer. If you don’t know what you desperately need… It’s probably sleep.
Let me know your take on any of these notes if anything resonated with you!
I’ve noticed this so much in my newish day job. It’s like I’m a dry sponge with a torrent or water being poured on top - only a small amount can actually sink in. In all things, cramming never works. Our brains need time to percolate to get to the sweet sweet coffee 😂
My favorite tool for articulating what you notice, and building your noticing muscles, is to write haiku. The tight constraints of these short poems really sharpen your ability to see and retain the insights you get from seeing.