I force myself to do these.
To write this newsletter on schedule.
And to make something to share with you. I’m doing it for my future self. That guy has 1000 paid subscribers. He’s actually good at making comics. He’s got a series of kids comics and is in talk of doing another series.
Kids and parents just can’t get enough of that guy’s work.
That guy is living the dream, because THIS poor schmuck, is forcing himself to share a comic today. Forcing himself to practice to learn to use the unfamiliar tools of the trade.
It’s a bloody inconvenience, but it’s also a joy.
🌭 I kept a diary for awhile, 4 sentences a day. This comic was taken from that Diary. The idea to creat a diary like this was from Elizabeth Haidle
Ps: This week I wrote a post for Backstage Pass holders about Being on Schedule, Motivation Mondays and My People