Adam here! Welcome to the free ✨ weekly edition ✨ of Ten Minute Artist. I write a page-a-day guide that offers fun prompts, encouragement, and thoughtful perspective for every stage of the creative journey.
If you’re not a subscriber, here’s what you might have missed:
In FRAMEWORKS, we discovered how systems don't box us in - they connect us to consistent creativity. My journey from startup culture to children's book illustration showed me how the right frameworks create freedom, not limitation. One subscriber wrote: "I always thought systems would kill my creativity. Now they're helping me create more than ever."
MAKE FRIENDS challenged the myth of the lonely artist. We explored how creativity flourishes in community, not isolation. Whether it's a critique group, an accountability partner, or just someone who gets what you're trying to do - connection amplifies creation.
And in USE WHAT YOU HAVE, we found that our supposed limitations often connect us to our unique voice. My story of illustrating from Malaysia showed how geographic distance became an unexpected advantage.
Subscribe to get access to these posts, and every post. The subscription is $20 monthly if you want to binge and make some quick connections in the community, or $100 annually if you want to grow with us throughout the year!
I asked two prolific Ten Minute Artist what their secret was from turning a 10 minute practice into a lasting routine, here’s what they said:
1. Anny Chen’s feels she’s getting stronger
Because I’ve seen how much I improved with this practice! It’s like when you go to the gym long enough and you feel yourself getting stronger. You become addicted to the progress maybe 😄
— Anny Chen
You can find an earlier conversation we had last year here.
2. finds stability and calm
My daily 10 minute sketch habit has become almost like making my bed. I used to skip making my bed everyday, but during the difficult time in my life when everything felt overwhelming, making my bed gave me a sense of accomplishment, even it was a small task. It was something orderly in the midst of chaos, something I could feel good about.
Sketching daily has became that for me, too. On days when I feel creatively drained or discouraged as an illustrator, simply showing up and sketching bring a sense of stability and calm. Once I start drawing I often forget about the things that have been consuming my thoughts. It’s like a little nourishing break that gives me a quick boost but also has lasting benefits.
If I don’t have a chance to make my bed in the morning, I still like to do it even it’s in the evening so I can go to sleep in my nicely made bed. Sketching has become the same ritual for me—on those long, exhausting days, I rather draw than skip it because not drawing feels odd now.
— Yumiko Kitazono
What are your reasons or secrets for building habits? Or is something holding you back? We’re here to help!
Habit Stacking
Think of a small daily habit you already have that brings you comfort or stability (like Yumiko's bed-making). Now spend 10 minutes exploring how your creative practice could attach to that existing habit - either right before, right after, or somehow connected to it. Draw or write about:
What makes this existing habit stick?
How does it make you feel when you do it?
Where could your 10 minutes of creativity naturally fit around it?
What similarities do you see between this habit and your creative practice?
Extra credit: Draw yourself doing both your existing habit and your creative practice - even if it's just simple stick figures!
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