These are the lyrics for the third song in my exercise playlist. It was originally a podcast snippit featuring Jocko Willink, and was mixed into a song by Akira the Don.
As an illustrator, you will face setbacks, failures, delays, defeat and other disasters, here’s a way to deal with it.
How do I deal with setbacks, failures, delays
Defeat, or other disasters?
I actually have a fairly simple way of dealing with these situations
And it is actually one word, to deal with all those situations
And that is — Good
This is actually something that one of my guys
That worked for me pointed out to me
He would call me up or pull me aside with some major problem
Some issue that was going on
And he would say "Boss we got this and that and the other thing"
And I'd look at him and I'd say — Good
One day he was telling me about some issue he was having
And he said "I already know what you're going to say"
And I said what am I going to say?
He said "You're gonna say — Good"
He said "That's what you always say
When something is wrong and going bad
You always just look at me and say — Good — Good"
And I said, "Well yeah, and I mean it"
And that is how I feel
When things are going bad
There is going to be some good that's gonna to come from it
Oh, mission got cancelled? — Good
We can focus on another one
Didn't get the new high speed gear we wanted? — Good
We can keep it simple
Didn't get promoted? — Good
More time to get better
Didn't get funded? — Good
We own more of the company
Didn't get the job you wanted? — Good
You can get more experience and build a better resume
You're gonna say — Good
Got injured? Got injured? Sprained my ankle? — Good
Needed a break from training
Got tapped out? — Good
It's better to tap in training than to tap out on the street
Got beat? — Good
You learned
Unexpected problems? — Good
We have the opportunity to figure out a solution
And that's it, that's it
When things are going bad
Don't get all bummed out, don't get startled
Don't get frustrated, no
You just look at the issue and you say — Good
You're gonna say — Good
And I don't mean to say something that's all cliché
And I don't mean to sound like a Mr. Positive
(Find the positive in all things)
But do that, do that, focus on the good,
Take that issue, take that problem
and make it something good
Bring that attitude to your team, too
You go forward
And lastly, like to close this out
If you can say the word "Good", guess what?
It means you're still alive
It means you're still breathing
And if you're still breathing, well then, hell
You still got some fight left in you
So get up, dust off, reload, recalibrate, re-engage
And go out on the attack
And that right there is about as good as it gets