Colors that don't interact well look out of place.
A nuance tip I learned during my monthly video call with my mentor.
Here is one example:
When we draw digitally we’re typically making marks on layers. Think of it like painting on a sheet of glass and stacking it on another sheet of glass.
The top sheet especially runs the risk of ‘floating’ over the others, like tracing with a marker pen over a painting. And if the only instance of a color is on the top layer then the color might look out of place.
2 ways I can think of solving for this are:
Add another layer above the top layer and use the other colors in the picture to somehow overlap the offending color
Reduce the opacity of the offending color to let the other colors shine through.
“Success is defined in any number of ways, but failure is always an inability to reach ones goals”
So if it’s not your intention for colors to look out of place, find a way to get them to interact within your piece.
PS: I’m thinking of the type of content I might reserve for weekend newsletters, and I’m thinking of making them paid, one idea is to have each weekend edition feature a maxim like - “Colors that don't interact well look out of place", and an explanation, perhaps in a little more depth with visual examples.
If you like this idea you can vote with your wallet by buying me a coffee 👇