An hour in the morning is worth 2 in the Afternoon.
The difference between creating in the morning and the afternoon.
“An hour in the morning is worth 2 in the Afternoon.” - Lilla Rogers
I write in my journal daily. I find when I write in the morning, I am able to string more complex thoughts together, and might have 3-4 fully formed insights in a single writing session.
But if I write later in the day. I still can fill the pages but the writing is disjointed, I take longer to write. And I have a lower quality of ideas.
That’s enough proof for me of the statement of morning hours being more valuable.
Because this is true for me I make it a point to:
Wake up as early as I can.
Schedule my most challenging work for these hours.
If everyday produces these golden eggs of double value hours, I’m going to make the most of as many of them as I can!
My best time is 11am 1pm. I've done extensive experimentation...
Before 7am, I'm dysfunctional + grumpy = dangerous.
Between 7-8 is the best time for morning pages - they're mostly drivel, but it's good to clear the runway for the real work.
Between 8-10am is the best time for me to work out, which has to be closely followed by eating and showering.
Then I can work, write, create, dialogue. Generally be a person.
After 3pm, I'm just pretending to be one.
By 6pm, I've stopped pretending, and I only talk to the dog.
I get a little weird boos between 9pm and 10pm which I try to channel into something productive, but mostly I just create mess. And at 10:30 I'm snoring.
God my life is boring.
I've heard this changes when/if you have kids. I didn't, so nobody is waking me up at 6am!
I often fall into that productive nightshift timeframe but it's not ideal. Maybe I need to move timezone... I think then I could be productive in the morning like if I moved from Europe to California or Mexico for example...!