Let’s assume you are a talented knowledgeable and capable artist. You now have a choice to make. You can be one of two types of artists.
The Visionary
Self Expressive. Direct to customer. Make your art, and they’ll come or they won’t. Your success lies in connecting with your artistic voice and staying true to it.
or you can be
The Collaborator
Collaborative. Client-centric. You adapt your style to blend with the strengths of the team. Your success lies in team harmony and communication.
You can be either or you can be both in turn. But you must be clear. Each requires a unique and opposite approach.
Interesting. This is a distinction I would make between Art (visionary) and Design (collaborative).
I always thought this why a lot of artists make lousy designers, and a lot of designers run effective campaigns that have no taste.
It’s rare to find an opportunity for being both an aesthetic that’s true to vision, and have it be communicative, clear and... sell.