This is a template that was popular on social media a couple of years ago, let’s give it another whirl. What’s cool about it is people would ask their readers/followers etc for characters to illustrate.
THe reason that’s cool is that it’s a bit of a collective effort and a way to connect with the audience over and over again.
Fist to ask for Characters
Then interacting over the characters
Then suggesting characters for others…
And on and on
You can see why it went viral. But the vitality is not the point. The point is the connecting. So in the comments please suggest some characters I can draw. If you have an extra minute tell me why you love that character. Thanks!
Ps: I think it’s great to collect templates to use as a scaffolding for your creativity. What do you think?
I loved this template/challenge when it was making it's rounds on Instagram! Would be fun to bring it back. My character for you is Xena the Warrior Princess! I grew up watching that show and definitely have memories of swinging a sword around pretending to be her. She was the badass female I looked up to as a kid.