Most of your email is trying to get you to spend your time.
Someone though it would be a good idea to spend a minute, to make you spend 6 hours of your life.
I try to do it a little differently, I spend 30 minutes to give you 1 minute of value.
Sometimes I spend 30 minutes to and hour to make a picture and put it on instagram so you can get 10 seconds of value.

The more of my time I spend vs the time I spend of yours the better the art is.
Maybe that’s what art is. Arbitrage.
The artist, the cook, the comedian, the musician, spend a disproportionate amount of time to create something than the audience takes to enjoy it.
Today 700 people will get this note, 350 ish of you will read it.
You spent 1 minute to gain an idea that I took 30 minutes to articulate.
I got 350 minutes of attention.
Everybody wins.