As a child, my parents would take my siblings and I on long trips. To visit my grand parents, On one of this trips I learned what a milestone was. Maybe because I asked how long more it would take to ‘get there’ too many times. I looked at the milestones as a way to feel I was closing in on a destination. And this worked because I knew exactly how far the destination was from where I was. That’s probably the only time I thought of milestones. In the car with hours on end while looking for the next milestone.
I haven’t gone on many long car trips recently. Nor have I had much time to reflect on anything, least of all milestones. But now it is my birthday and that’s the kind of thing you do on your birthday right?
But before I go further, I’d love to invite everyone of you to leave a comment reflecting on your most recent milestone, no matter how small it is, and reflect on the meaning of that big or small mile stone in your life, then write a sentence or two about it. I’m hoping that could be an encouragement to everyone else. Or you can share the next milestone you’re looking towards.
As I turned 40, in 2021, I decided I would commit the decade to seeing if I could be an illustrator (and author) I committed to kids books as the niche I would focus on. It was also the year my baby girl was born. I told my wife this dream of becoming a kids book illustrator is like a pregnancy it’s growing, and it would be born. And in the day’s after my Child was born, I was offered to illustrate my first book.
Be pregnant with your dream
In 2022, my first published my first picture-book was published , And I kept working on two other books. And my kid turned one. And more than a thousand people signed up for a newsletter. And while I don’t see myself as an author just yet, that kinda makes me a writer doesn’t it? And a professional writer at that because some of you pay to read this. I mean not for a CV or anything, but as a milestone, you’ll give me that right? Thanks!
Acknowledge your accomplishments (even the little ones)
This year, three books I illustrated will be coming out. And I’ll be working on four books coming out in 2024. And, I’m looking to this year is to create a pitch for a graphic novel for kids. A step in the direction of becoming an author. And you know I haven’t made any progress towards that goal this year, not one tiny step. January has come and gone, and there’s not much of February left. The reason of course is that I’m busy with the jobs I do have. But if in 2021, I allowed that reason to get into the way of making tiny steps every day. I never would have ended up illustrating any books.
Miles are made up of steps.
ps: if you enjoy this thing, if you get value out of it, and you can afford it, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. (SuperSub), I know, it’s my birthday but that will feel like getting a present for yourself! That’s okay :) I’ll use the subscription money to buy cake, so it will be a win-win! Thanks for reading!
Happy Birthday, Adam! As you know, I recently celebrated the milestone of having a portfolio that I feel is ready to send out to agents, and a picture book dummy ready to go. I'm working on even more book projects while I wait to hear back from those submissions. Let's get back on track with that graphic novel and comic work we started in 2022 so we can both have ours ready to pitch this year!
Happy Birthday, Adam!!