☕️ small talk
I’m writing from a quiet McDonalds on a rainy day while my wife shops for groceries in the supermarket of the same mall. I have 7 minutes…
A Journal exercise
I recommend copying these questions into your journal or notes app and answering them in order.
What would you do if you had a free day to spend as you would like?
What if you had 6 hours?
What if you had 3?
What if you had 30 minutes?
What if you had 7?
What did your answers teach you?
I find it very tough to work at a cafe or a mall. Very distracting since I feel I should be there in the moment and enjoy what's around. So that's the time I use for taking photos which I can use as references, building visual library by making note of how kids and people are behaving. Stuff like that. I envy people who work in malls, parks and outdoors 🙈
Each of my responses involved writing, no matter how short the allotted time! Thanks so much, Adam. Insightful and inspiring.