012: How to write a newsletter, blog or social media post everyday.
Do interesting work every day.
#process #technique #practice
Here’s how I go about writing this thing.
I work every day.
Work is an activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
I use the activity of the day as the subject of my post. The idea is to do interesting work or at least work I find interesting every day and write about that.
But that’s not enough on top of being interesting, it has to pass the “so what?”, test.
What can you the audience do with this thing I’m sharing with you? Sometimes, I write, and when it comes to the ‘so what, test, the answer is nothing. So I delete it and start again.
Writing every day gets you in the habit of doing interesting work every day, so you can write about it.
‘So you can write about it, is a trick, the real point is you do interesting work every day.
Close the gap
Do interesting work every day. Maybe your job is interesting so that’s easy. Otherwise, care out some time to do some interesting work. Here are some ideas:
Read or listen to an audiobook during a commute (Reading qualifies as work)
Read during your lunch break
Write down ten ideas first thing in the morning
Do a page out of a book of prompts
Do a five-minute sketch after work
Write your own ideas in the comments. What are ways someone could do meaningful work every day?
Pick one, do it and write about it. Do it so you have something to write about, and write so you’ll keep doing interesting work. And remember to run it through the “So what test”
(note to self, write about how to pass the so what test.)
Hah I like the note to self at the bottom. I'd really like to start a substack but I'm not popular so would be shouting to the void. Which in itself isn't a horrible thought though. Kinda therapeutic. I used to be an avid blogger back in Yee olden days when Blogger was cool. Maybe I should just get on with it and see what happens 🤔
I just need to do art or writing every day. That’s the goal. If it goes further then cool. I just need to get back at it.